Annual operating grants support activities, programs, and projects in Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts throughout Maryland.

Appointed management entities for designated A&E Districts may apply for MSAC operating support funds to support district priorities. 

    Applicants must:

    • be the appointed management entity of a designated A&E District in Maryland

    • complete a letter of agreement between the county or municipality holding the designation and the management entity

    • have a current contract or MOU with a county or municipality to manage a designated A&E District, and 

    • be a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) organization

    The management entity for an A&E District must submit one of the following forms annually to apply for funding:

    • On-Year
      • To request funding in the fifth fiscal year post-designation, submit a more complete application, with updated goals, objectives, strategies, and outcomes as well as revised management and marketing plans and a proposed budget for A&E District activities for the next fiscal year.   
    • Off-Year
      • In all other years (including redesignation years), submit a shorter application outlining the proposed budget for A&E District activities for the next fiscal year and providing any needed updates. 

    The A&E Districts Advisory Committee reviews on-year District Operating Support applications, provides feedback and an opportunity for revision (if needed), and recommends funding. MSAC staff reviews off-year applications. 

    Funding recommendations are subject to the approval of the Council and the Secretary of Commerce. 

    See the Grant Guidelines for detailed information.

    Upon execution of grant agreement, payment will be processed for receipt in 6-8 weeks. Grantees are required to submit a final report at the completion of the funded project. For detailed reporting requirements, please see the Grant Guidelines.

    All MSAC grants are paid on the same timeline. To learn more, click here.

    Grantees are required to submit a brief report detailing the use of funds at the end of each fiscal year. 

    See the Grant Guidelines for detailed information.